
A showcase of academic, conceptual, and personal projects that redefine the boundaries of design. From sustainable urban living spaces to visionary conceptual explorations, each project reflects a commitment to innovation and a passion for shaping the built environment.

site map hand drawn axonometric
exploded axonometric of building

Hand-drawn sketches infuse spontaneity and artistry, while exploded axonometrics dissect structures with precision. These images showcase the versatility of architectural representation of a community centre, from organic fluidity to structured clarity, inviting exploration of design intricacies.

graphic section of building - purple theme
graphic section of building - blue theme

This section features building sections and 3D renders of a conceptual farming project. The building sections highlight architectural details, while exploring the user spaces. Together, they showcase innovative design and forward-thinking concepts.

3D render of conceptual future farming milking architecture project 3D render of conceptual farming meat architecture project
graphic section of building - purple white theme

Bomb Archive

This project transforms an old bomb research facility into a museum and archive, revealing the once-secret processes within. The building's design mirrors its history: a solid concrete facade on the ground floor represents the impenetrable secrecy of the past, while exposed concrete platforms on the upper levels symbolize the unveiling of the bomb manufacturing process.

low poly render of bomb archive pen hand drawn conceptual exploration
section of the bomb archive, showcasing the functionality of bomb making

Through this architectural approach, the project aims to educate and provoke thought on the hidden histories of bomb production.

floor plans of the bomb archive
initial exmploraiton of bomb making building
3D visualization of the bomb archive

Data Market

This conceptual project envisions a Data Market that evolves with London's data production. The modular structure expands as data grows, integrating advanced technologies. The project includes three buildings: one for private data, one for semi-private data, and one for public data.

elevation of the three data market buildings along the bridge

Detailed drawings and sections focus on the public data building, highlighting its design and functionality. The Data Market also features outposts across the city to gather data, physically manifesting the data collection process.

hand-drawn long section of the public data building
hand-drawn short section of the public data building

hand-drawn section of the data collection outpost in city of london exploded axonometric of the public data building program
interiour render of the public data building